Dokumen yang diteliti adalah sekolah 'visi, misi dan tujuan 2013 Kurikulum silabus Bahasa Inggris untuk siswa SMP dan buku teks bahasa Inggris untuk siswa kelas tujuh. Wawancara dilakukan untuk 30 peserta dengan menggunakan quota sampling purposive. Kuesioner didistribusikan dengan menggunakan kenyamanan insidental purposive sampling untuk 185 peserta.

Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, peneliti mendistribusikan kuesioner, melakukan wawancara, dan menganalisis berbagai dokumen terkait. Penelitian ini bertujuan menyelidiki kebutuhan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris untuk siswa kelas empat dan kelima dari SDN Utan Kayu Utara 01, 03, 05 Pagi Jakarta di Tahun Akademik 2014/2015 dalam hal bahan dan cara belajar belajar. Keywords : needs, needs analysis, learning materials, ways of learning. With these findings, the English program designers are suggested to develop an English syllabus which meets the needs of the learners. In terms of ways of learning, the learners’ needs are writing diaries/stories/ teacher’s explanation/ summaries/ sentences/ names of fruits/ names of animals, studying textbooks & exercise books, reading books/ comics/ magazines/ English conversation, listening to music/ teachers/ conversation, making presentation, looking  meaning  up  in  a  dictionary, working  in  groups,  playing games,  using English words in real conversation, and making dialogues. From the investigation, it was revealed that the needs of English learning for the fourth and fifth graders of SDN Utan Kayu Utara 01, 03, 05 Pagi Jakarta in Academic Year 2014/2015 in terms of learning materials are music & songs, animals, arts & literatures, jobs, and family. Documents being investigated were the schools’ vision, mission and goals  the 2013  Curriculum  the English  syllabus  for  SMP  students  and the English textbook for the seventh graders. Interviews were conducted to 30 of the participants by employing quota purposive sampling.

Questionnaires were distributed by employing incidental convenience purposive sampling to 185 participants. To achieve the aim, the researcher distributed questionnaires, conducted interviews, and analyzed various related documents. T h is is a report of a research aiming at investigating needs of English learning for the fourth and fifth graders of SDN Utan Kayu Utara 01, 03, 05 Pagi Jakarta in Academic Year 2014/2015 in terms of learning materials and ways of learning.