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Dositej obradovic zivot i prikljucenija pdf download

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91.Ģ 56 Годишњак за друштвену историју 2, and servants of colonial powers wrote the first travelogues in the beginning of the 20th century following the tradition of the western travelogue. Eastern European Travel Writing in Comparative Perspective, 2, CEU Press (Further: Bracewell, W, The limits ) p. 1 Further, rare adventurers 1 Obradović, Dositej, Život i priključenija, (1783) quoted in: Bracewell, Wendy, The Limits of Eastern European Travel Writing, in: Bracewell Wendy, Drace Francis, Alex, Under Eastern Eyes. Casting a view of the world of his time, Obradović warns his compatriots to turn to Europe, and he divides the world in the light of the movement of enlightenment: If the Europeans had not dared to correct their way of thinking, and enlighten their mind with reason, they would have stayed in the aboriginal stupidity and barbarism, and would have been like the accursed peoples of Africa. A good example of an early image of Africa amongst the South Slavs is seen in a text of a Serbian reformer, first minister of education and rationalist Dositej Obradović. Information that they got was filtered through a prism of Western education and philosophy. It also uses the travelogues to establish an auto-representation of Yugoslavia vis-a-vis Africa Key words: travelogues, Africa, socialism, Yugoslavia, imagology, anticolonialism, non-alignment, Cold War, philosophical geography The South Slavs had relatively limited contact with and knowledge of Africa.

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It contextualizes the travelogues both within Yugoslavia and the tides of afro-optimism and afro-pessimism as well as numerous other Cold War phenomena. 1 UDC (497.1:6)✱94/199» / : (6)✱94/198» 327(497.1:6)✱94/198»(093.3) МА Немања Радоњић, историчар Ориганалан научан рад Примљен Прихваћен From Kragujevac to Kilimanjaro : Imagining and re-imagining Africa and the self-perception of Yugoslavia in the travelogues from socialist Yugoslavia Abstract: The article examines travelogues about Africa from a philosophical geography point of view, and compares them to other contemporary representations of Africa.

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